Ad of the week – John Lewis

by Stratton Craig

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With the cold weather fast approaching, we have one thing on our minds. Christmas. And it wouldn’t be the same without the annual John Lewis advert. Until this year’s rendition is here, we shall happily dote over the 2012 masterpiece, ‘The Journey’, because what’s not to love about a pair of love-struck snowmen?

The ad features a brother and sister playing in the snow, each building a beloved snowman.  As the children are called in, the pair of snowy suitors are left facing one other, gazing into buttoned eyes and laced smiles. When morning comes, the female snowman has a saddened expression as her new found friend has vanished and she is left alone, awaiting his return.  The story follows the snowman on his quest to find the perfect gift for his loved one as he faces rivers, mountains, snowball fights and even a herd of sheep.

The ad draws on emotion and has had a great response from the public. There’s something about that sweetheart of a snowman that makes you want to dramatically run home and see your own loved one. The soundtrack perfectly complements the emotive imagery and could bring tears to Scrooge. 

While there is a lack of words throughout, we think the end line is simply sublime. “Give a little more love this Christmas.” The words roll off the tongue and are catalysts for thought and giving. The tone of voice is touching and emotive, keeping in form with their previous campaigns. John Lewis’ attempt to secure custom at Christmas has certainly succeeded. No one can ignore that snowy face. 

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