Ad of the Week – ‘Mullerlicious’

by Stratton Craig

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Müller yoghurt created the memorable catch phrase ‘Müllerlicious’ to advertise its ‘De Luxe’ corner pots last year. The advert features pop sensation and Pussycat Doll Nicole Sherzinger, to appeal to their desired customer base and help the advert remain fresh and different.

You can see the ad on YouTube.

Nicole speaks in a silky, seductive voice, representing the smooth texture of the yoghurt. The use of a luxurious setting adds grandeur and splendour, reeling the audience in and subtly ‘bigging up’ the product. Gold-toned walls and furniture imply the regal superiority of the yoghurt compared to others, such as ‘Yeo Valley’ which takes a more humorous approach to advertising by using rapping farmers.

Most importantly of all, ‘mullerlicious’ is memorable and noteworthy, directly linking the brand to the word and the feeling of ‘delicious’. Nicole is well known for her hobby of making up words, such as ‘shamazing’, during her time as an X-Factor judge. Since words are a vital link for any campaign, this ensures Müller has unique and individual branding and copywriting.

Other brands have also put a spin on words for effective marketing, such as Nissan with its ‘do you speak Micra?’ advert. They invented ‘spafe’ (spontaneous and safe), ‘smig’ (small and big), ‘thractical’ (thrilling and practical) and ‘luxurable’ (luxurious and affordable). Similarly, Marketing Edinburgh produced ‘Incredinburgh’ as a new slogan to encourage people to visit the city.

Playing with words creates a fun tone of voice, which can be essential for a company in order to grab the audience’s attention. Even memorable dialogue works, such as “Hello, my precious Müller deluxe corner.” from the TV spot. This contains a pretty obvious Lord of The Rings reference – as well as being said to empathise the tantalizing allure of the yoghurt… and how it deserves to be devoured in a confidential and secretive manner.

Next time you notice an ad that is too good to ignore, let us know by tweeting us @strattoncraig

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