While the topic of content marketing has been discussed at length, there are a few trends that marketers may still not be familiar with, or at least this is what ClickZ website claims. Let´s take a look at what these are.
First of all, content marketing will become a joint effort as lone content publishers form partnerships. Bloggers typically work alone, because it is important to create a personal voice and your own following, but to help grow their business bloggers are joining forces and boosting each other´s creativity. Various sites like IFB, Go Mighty and Chictopia already have different voices coming together to create another brand.
The best brands will be perceived as thought leaders, ClickZ claims. There are businesses which have gained extensive experience in content marketing and have had the chance to develop internal best practices and become leaders in topics that interest their consumers. This puts them at the forefront of their industry and makes them highly trustworthy in the eyes of their consumers. In 2013 brands that use content as a primary means for engaging customers will continue to reap the benefits of effective communication.
Another trend that brands need to consider is the rise of editorial briefs, which are likely to become as important as creative briefs over the coming months. While brands are fully aware of what the goals and the key performance indicators of their marketing strategy are, it is increasingly important that everyone is familiar with the company´s editorial strategy. This should focus on aspects like ideas, themes, tone of voice and cadence, so that authors will be able to create content that fully reflects the business strategy and helps to achieve its goals.