Having access to interesting content is among the top three reasons why consumers choose to follow brands on social networking sites, according to a new survey quoted by the Daily Telegraph.
The findings suggest that relevant content is a key factor for improving both search engine optimisation (SEO) rankings and brand reputation. Almost three quarters of consumers say they would rather obtain information about businesses from articles than from advertisements. In addition, some 60% find they feel more positive about a company after reading interesting and creative content on the brand website, the survey shows.
Experts share the view that content is essential for brands, as it can significantly boost engagement. The content, style and tone of a message can help consumers become familiar with a brand and relate to it.
Apart from building trust, good copy may also be a valuable tool for SEO. Providing relevant content allows search engines to “pick” the website and rank it higher in the search engine result pages, thus allowing more users to see it and increasing traffic to the site. In addition, evidence shows that good content contributes to better conversion rates, the Telegraph reports.
Bearing in mind the ever growing online audience, and the fact that over the first half of this year 568 million more people used Google than in the same period of 2011, it becomes quite obvious why valuable content, as well as relevant keywords and link building, are essential for businesses.