10 commandments for creating great content

by Stratton Craig

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Content marketing is the phrase on the tip of everyone’s tongue. What is it that makes good content and how can you ensure a good ROI when you do spend on copy? Our ten commandments of copywriting and content marketing are here to help.
1.       Thou shalt not steal
Original content reflects much better in terms of your reputation but your writing will also rank higher in search engines if the language you use is unique and inventive. Be innovative. Create your own opinions. Don’t rephrase the same sentence again and again.
2.       Give value to your readers
What is it that your readers are gaining by reading your content? Is it useful? Amusing? Make sure the benefits or call to action of your content are clear and that readers can apply your advice easily.
3.       Key messages
You should be able to get the purpose of your piece across in the first few sentences. We scan through enormous amounts of data quickly and so if your core ideas aren’t instantly available they’ll go unnoticed.
4.       Quality over quantity
We need say no more.
5.       Distribute and promote
To increase the ROI on your copy, make sure you promote it effectively. Whether it’s via email marketing, social media or other avenues – let people know where they can find your content and why they should read it.
6.       Headlines
Statistics from Copy Blogger show that on average, eight out of ten people will read headline copy, but only two out of ten will read the rest.  Make your headline count and hopefully you’ll encourage more than that 20% to read on.
7.       Make no mistake, bad grammar has an impact
It sounds obvious, but check your copy for mistakes as they are easily made. Copy is one of the first impressions people have of your business so make sure it’s a good one.
8.       Images and video
Some learn by reading. Some learn by watching. Some learn by hearing. Address this in your content. Videos and images also help break up a long piece visually and our research shows that a mixture of content is the most engaging.
9.       Accessible language
An engaging tone of voice goes a long way. Remember that you’re talking to people, so your content should be human, accessible and relevant.
10.   Call to action
Give your readers clear instructions about what to do having read your content. Take a look at our infographic on the price of bad content and learn how not to pay it.

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