At the start of the big technology boom that brought about the Internet, instant messaging programmes, mobile phones and social media, many people predicted that written communication was set to lose its prominence and would gradually sink into obscurity.
However, it appears that things have turned out to be very different and the wide range of technological options for communication has in fact pushed consumers to communicate in writing much more than previously expected. After all, texting, tweeting and e-mails are all about words.
Recent research from Ofcom shows that the average British consumer sends 50 text messages each week, which is twice the number sent four years ago. They also spend an hour-and-a-half per week on social networks, where much of the communication takes a written form.
In fact, text matters much more to younger consumers, with 96% of them stating that they use written communication daily. While nine out of ten send text messages and three quarters post on social media, only two in three make voice calls.
Apart from consumers, written communication plays an essential role for business. Emails are still a major factor in establishing business relations but these days brands have to focus on written interaction on social platforms, too. Mobile devices give consumers access to written content at all times and places, with 40% of tablet owners claiming that they read more now than before purchasing the device, which highlights the importance of well constructed text for brands.