It’s a difficult marketing world out there at the moment, with consumers being more selective than ever about the communications channels they want to interact with. Consumers are particularly savvy when it comes to online marketing – and why not when at just the click of a button they can easily avoid it? With this is mind, it seems that the power of the written word is the key to catching your customers’ attention online. So what are the best strategies for getting consumers to sit up, log on and read your copy? Take a look at our top tips.
1 – Know your audience
Obvious as it might sound, there’s nothing more crucial that knowing who you’re targeting. As a starting point, decide who’s going to benefit most from your service and investigate what inspires or motivates them.
2 – Recognise the competition
Which other companies out there will be trying to win the hearts of the same customers as you? Once you know who they are, you can take a look at what kind of content they’re using. Take a look at their tone of voice and their call to action. Does their copy engage you? If it does, you can use the copy as inspiration; if it doesn’t, learn from their mistakes. Either way, always be sure to craft something unique and in line with your brand.
3 – Pick your tone
With your business and knowledge of market competition behind you, you can now decide what sort of tone you’ll be taking with your audience. Get an idea of who you’ll be talking to and decide what sort of tone they’ll respond to: will a straightforward, no-nonsense tone be best? Perhaps a more conversational tone? Put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about what kind of language they use with each other and in business.
4 – Craft some great content
Keeping your reader interested with engaging content is all about telling a story. Outline what your service does and tell your customers what’s in it for them. Paint a picture with your words, using sensory adjectives – but try to keep it as simple as you can.
5 – Choose a headline
Finally, decide on a title that’s going to capture your reader’s attention. Use it to give your audience a glimpse into the benefits they can expect from you. Because it’s web copy and people are often short of time, often a list of bite-size information pieces works best.
6 – Hire a copywriter
Of course, sometimes it’s just easier to give the job to someone who knows exactly what makes your customers tick. Get in touch with us today if you’d like to find out more about what Stratton Craig can offer your business.