Corporate social responsibility is taken increasingly seriously by many brands, who include details of the good work they do in their sustainability reports. The problem is, these reports have a particularly niche audience. Unless a journalist picks up a copy and broadcasts their achievements to the wider public, they often remain unheralded.
There are a variety of ways firms can shed more light on their CSR activity – from including the information in an integrated report instead of segregating it, to bringing it to the forefront of their marketing schemes.
Microsoft now dedicates an entire section of its UK website to the environment, with browsers able to view the company’s commitment to renewable energy and employee volunteering. The web copy is consistent in tone – simple and professional, even when talking about complex technology – with the company’s main website.
Likewise, Nestlé’s Twitter account is used by the company almost solely to highlight the work the company does in the community, and to respond to those who are talking about it. Nestlé’s seen its fair share of controversies over the years, so the most important role of its social media team is to constantly improve the company’s ethical standing in the eyes of consumers.
It’s clear that CSR has become an important part of the digital marketing strategies of some of the world’s biggest firms, and because of this it’s getting more press than ever before. And aside from marketing, companies both big and small are now taking more care to ensure that their annual reports show off the responsible work they’ve been doing.
If you’re interested in integrated reporting or sustainability reporting, the Stratton Craig team can help. We’ll ensure that the work you do in the community is promoted using your own distinctive tone of voice, increasing its potential use for marketing.