Community management can be the key to reaching a wide range of clients successfully, but what does it actually entail?
Originally, community management was the monitoring of resources of a particular community; so for example, managing the amount of fish that a community farms, or the amount of land allowed for forestry. But today community management is a world away from farming and forests, unless, that is, you make use of FarmVille on Facebook.
Modern community management is all about handling a digital community – dealing with digital information resources and liaising with communities across the world, all through the power of social media.
In order to reach the right people, wherever they are in the world, with the right brand image, your community management needs to be successful, and with social networking sites, this can be done quite simply and speedily. But how exactly?
The best community management involves the customer by use of competitions, campaigns and event invitations, all of which can be set up easily on sites such as Facebook. With features like these, you can get your company’s message across while still engaging your customer. Sites like Twitter mean you can provide by-the-minute news updates, and post videos and photos that will help make your company appear fresh and dynamic to your followers. Not only this, but as everyone knows, social media means contacting clients is now as direct and as easy as clicking the ‘Like’ button on someone’s status, or ‘re-tweeting’ someone’s message.
So, again, it’s essential to remember that the digital word of mouth is a much faster breed than the traditional one, making it an excellent tool for communicating with your community.