Quality over quantity – the key to outsourcing content successfully

by Anna Fozzard

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Everyone’s under pressure to create and publish content. Whether you’re in B2B or B2C, content is what gets you noticed, both by your target audience and search engines. It delivers brand awareness, social media traction and persuades users to take action.

So, marketing teams around the world need compelling content. Unfortunately, this demand for content writing has led to a sea of bland and boring content being churned out across the internet.

Most company blogs look identical, most landing pages are stuffed with the same kind of uninspiring copy, and most social media posts are painfully uniform.

Why is this so?

Mainly because most outsourced content providers are interested only in the short term, their sole objective is to churn out more. But outsourced content needn’t be so lacklustre.

The trick is to find a content provider obsessed with quality and supporting the long-term marketing objectives of your business. A team like ours (ahem), with unique and experienced specialists whose love of language will help deliver high-quality content, even at pace. We never create content for the sake of it. We always ask what the objective is for each piece, and we follow up to check that we’ve helped you achieve it.

For us, this focus on quality isn’t an optional extra; it’s an essential ingredient of a successful content programme. Here’s why:

Improves your reputation

No matter what category you operate in, you’ll know that your customers want to read great content. What will keep them coming back to your site or social media is content writing that interests and engages them.

The more they want to read your content, the longer they’ll spend on your platform, giving you more opportunities to showcase your products or services. Importantly, great content also improves your brand’s reputation.

That’s because all the best-known brands are renowned for their communication skills. Brand equity is partly a function of how well a brand can communicate, influence, and inspire its audiences.

With a good outsourced content provider, every piece allows you to build your reputation and enhance your brand identity. Whether it’s an email, landing page, blog post, or white paper, nothing says ‘credible’ like good copy.

And nothing says ‘cheap” like bad prose.

Makes you more visible

Great content doesn’t just make you an audience favourite. Search engines will start liking you more too.

Google algorithms have come a long way from the keyword stuffing days of yore. Bad news for those content providers whose focus was on finding half a dozen keywords and then filling up every paragraph and sentence with them.

Once upon a time, this was the secret sauce to earning top spots in search engine rankings. It made content creation formulaic and the output hideous.
Readers were repelled because, well, the content was designed for engines.

Fortunately, things have changed. Now, your digital content needs to be rich, engaging, and answer your audience’s questions. It needs to be credible and relevant. The best way to do that? Carefully chosen words.

This is because, over the last decade, Google has spent considerable resources in making sure that their search engine algorithms reflect a user-centric approach.
Changes designed to deal with low quality, manipulative content can get your website penalised by the world’s most popular search engine.

Quality content that directly addresses the needs of the user will always be favoured in results pages.

Youll spend less time reviewing 

As a busy marketer, you already have enough on your plate. The last thing you want is to review your content constantly.

Poor content slows everything down. It messes up your content calendar and complicates your workflow. Extra rounds of review can put everything behind schedule, and considering the time this can take, you may end up with no choice but to let some of it slide.

That’s where we’re different. We’re focused on delivering only the highest-quality copy to you. Because you shouldn’t have to spend your time highlighting changes or pointing out glaring errors. In our view, accuracy is the bare minimum you should expect from a writing agency. The real value we add is in providing accurate copy that is also insightful, engaging and persuasive.

You focus on the big picture. We’ll take care of the words.

Delivers better outcomes

Every piece of content we create has a business objective behind it. We don’t write copy to show off how good we are at it. We write it to help deliver business outcomes. There’s a world of difference between that and writing to fill up space.

Maybe the goal is to raise awareness, build expertise or convince readers to opt-in for a newsletter. Or it could be to drive sales, improve employee engagement, interest potential investors, or influence customers to check out a time-bound discount.

Whatever your objective, we’ll craft copy to help you meet it. And we’ll do it not by writing laborious, long, and staid copy but imaginative, smart, and compelling content. More than anything else, our goal is to be effective.

We believe that each piece of content has a role to play, and quality content is that which achieves its goals.

Improves your employer brand

Great content not only gets you customers but also makes it easier to get the right talent.

Hiring is getting more competitive. Prospective hires learn about your company through the content you create. That’s how they’ll learn who you are, what you stand for, and how you work.

Even before they ever get in touch with you, they have most likely formed an opinion about your brand. High-quality content is a sure-fire way to get yourself noticed by the best and the brightest.

In short

We believe that content shouldn’t exist for its own sake. It should have a clear objective and role to play. Every piece of communication should earn its right to be published and read by being effective.

We’re not interested in gimmicky or frivolous writing. We’ll never suggest you publish something because it’s in vogue or it’s what everyone else is doing.  After all, trends change every day and if you follow them all you’ll always be playing catch up. And then end up mirroring every other website or blog on the planet.

That’s why we believe quality content should showcase your unique perspective or insight and play a clear role in building your brand. We see content as an investment. And we’re here to make sure your investment pays off.

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