Consumer polls reveal that one of the most important features of brand pages on social media or of a company website is product description, along with user reviews and images. A great product description not only leads to better sales but also guarantees good Google rankings, if it is done properly.
Good copywriting will help brands to stand out among their competitors, the Econsultancy blog says. Just like any other piece of writing, product descriptions should be aimed at a particular audience and tailored to appeal to that audience, including the tone of voice and the language used. A brand selling baby products should use a warmer tone and stress the product safety, while teenage fashion retailers should adopt more lively language and emphasise trends, for instance.
Econsultancy notes that brands should pay special attention to consistency. Even if they sell a variety of products, all product descriptions should be similar in terms of length and shape. For example, if some of the product descriptions include bullet points, it could be a good idea to organise all descriptions in a similar style. That way, consumers will know what to expect once they have seen several descriptions. A particular advantage of bullet points is that they suit the typical consumer´s scanning-like reading technique.
Even if the product descriptions are great, there is little chance that users will get to see them unless the right keywords to rank them in search engines are also present. However, brands should remember that overdoing it is not a good strategy, as keyword stuffing not only looks unnatural but may lead to a Google penalty.