Integrated Reporting, known as IR, places the strategy, governance and financial performance focus of a traditional annual report within the social, environmental and economic context in which the organisation operates. The idea is to place sustainability at the heart of company strategies, rather than as a separate issue or after-thought.
A widely-used example of Integrated Reporting excellence can be seen in the Puma annual report 2010.
This is a new and exciting area. The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) is currently pushing for a global framework on combined financial and non-financial reporting with a view to helping companies produce more joined-up and cohesive annual reports. The proposal also went before the G20 in October.
Stratton Craig’s experience of annual reporting and knowledge and expertise in sustainability/CR have left us well placed to undertake projects in this area. We are currently working on an inaugural integrated report for one of the IIRC’s pilot scheme participants and with several other reporting and sustainability projects underway we are looking forward to helping our clients stay at the forefront of this major trend.