Wait, industry 5.0?
As companies all over the world work frantically to unlock the benefits of industry 4.0 – is the next stage of industrialisation already here? Yes and no. Firstly, industry 5.0 does not represent as radical a step change to established ways of doing business as its predecessor. It can be better thought of as industry 4.1 because it is more concerned with how to work with new technology rather than the tech itself. However, the continued pace of innovation does mean that perhaps we need to get used to progressing through these stages more quickly. And just as industry 4.0 is updating the language we use; this new arrival promises to require companies to change the way they communicate and the copywriting services they may need too.
What is industry 5.0?
Industry 4.0 has seen the introduction of connected devices, data analytics and AI to a range of industrial, manufacturing and customer service processes. By automating tasks that were previously performed or overseen by humans, companies can work faster, smarter and more accurately than before. Industry 5.0 aims to readjust this trajectory slightly and bring the humans back, increasing collaboration between individuals and smart systems. The sweet spot is the meeting point between the high-end accuracy and processing power of machines and the creativity and critical thinking of humans. The aspect of industry 5.0 that has people most excited is personalisation. Sure, the concept has been central to marketing and digital transformation for years, but industry 5.0 promises to take it to dizzying new heights. How about being able to select the colours, style and material of your new trousers before they are even produced, and the company already knowing your precise measurements? Or, a robot that performs three or four industrial processes at the same time under the supervision of a single person?
What does this mean for content writing?
As always, being a specialist copywriting agency means we love dusting off the crystal ball and making some predictions about what this means for the way we will be using words. We think companies will need to focus on the following principles:
Supporting not superseding
The language of industry 5.0 is less about efficiency and productivity and more about collaboration and creativity. It’s not about automating people out of jobs but using technology to allow people to approach their work differently. A robot can knock out 600 identical buttons, but it can also help a creative design and build truly customised pieces of furniture at a much faster speed. Narratives should focus on what you can do, not how fast you can do it.
Increased customer demand
If every customer can customise and personalise all parts of their purchase, companies will need to be open and transparent about their product and service offerings. Customer expectations are going to be high, and companies will need to make sure they live up to them and are not making promises they can’t keep. A key challenge will be defining what makes your offering unique when almost every aspect of it can be changed and modified.
The ongoing data question
As ever, utilising greater pools of data to create better experiences is the name of the game. With a focus on harmonious collaboration between man and machine, people are going to want an even more seamless experience. But, allowing companies even further into our lives has consequences and companies will need to demonstrate they are responsible custodians of personal data. There could also be a significant potential to carve out a unique space by focusing on the ethical use of data. Either way, the issue is a defining feature of the modern era and needs to be addressed.
About us
As the industry continues to change at speed, your content needs to keep up. As a specialist copywriting agency, customisation and collaboration are what we do best. And we are a bit more fun to talk to than the average robot too. From reports to app copy, our in-house experts can help you, so get in touch today.