It might be that we’re slightly late to the party this week, as we’re covering an ad that’s already been an Ad of the Day on the Drum. We, however, decided that we like this one so much we’re devoting our weekly post to it. As you’d expect, we’ll take a copy-centric look at the ad instead – and as typical Brits we do rather love tea.
Lipton has scored something of a coup for their latest ad campaign by bringing in The Muppets to promote their tea. This particular clip was made to be shown during the Oscars and is part of a wider push in America, so naturally they pulled out all the stops to get an all-star cast.
You can see the ad on YouTube.
Seemingly hundreds of ‘Animals’ take the place of New Yorkers in the clip, barking out their clipped sentences as they move through the city hustle and bustle. Their trademark short, sharp and brash style of delivery definitely mimics the no-nonsense attitude of the city’s residents.
Kermit, on the other hand, breezes down the boulevards and avenues fuelled by laid-back Lipton tea. He’s unfailingly nice to everyone, and actually speaks in full sentences whenever he opens his puppet mouth. We also get to see Miss Piggy being uncharacteristically polite as she sits in the back of an iconic yellow taxi – as you’d expect, that façade quickly drops when the driver tries to take a shortcut. A quick glug of some ice tea and she’s calm once more.
We do have to admit that the slogan’s a little familiar – in fact, ‘Be More Dog’ from O2 is a previous AOTW here. That said, anything that encourages people to ‘be more’ or ‘do more’ gets a thumbs up for motivational tactics. Both campaigns aimed to bring consumers a positive mindset for every day and inspire them to try, do and experience something different. That’s a message we can definitely get behind.
Let us know what you think of ‘Be More Tea’ or suggest our next Ad of the Week. We’re also on Twitter @strattoncraig where Lipton’s also using the #BeMoreTea hashtag.