How on earth do you pronounce ‘Chipotle’? Is it a hard ‘chi’ sound at the start or a soft ‘shi’? In a lovely awareness campaign to promote the brand on the Tube, our chosen Ad of the Week says that it might not really matter as long as you think it’s tasty.
The ad points out some of the many different ways to say ‘chipotle’ out loud. ‘Chi-pole-tay’ has been crossed off, as have ‘chi-pottle’ and ‘shi-pot-lay’. As drawing a line through something is the universally accepted way of showing it’s incorrect, we can safely assume those pronunciations are a little off. That just leaves ‘chi-poat-lay’ as the apparent correct answer at the end.
The design effect on the poster makes the copy look like words hastily crossed out on a blackboard for some ‘good ol’ home cooking’ authenticity. You could just wipe mistakes off an actual blackboard and start again, but the ad’s overall feel obviously wouldn’t be the same and the point of using examples would be completely lost.
Funnily enough, my suggestion of ‘chi-poh-tull’ doesn’t appear at all. That’s odd. It’s probably down to the accent.
It’s always interesting to hear how people interpret words verbally, and to see how others then transcribe that speech back into a document. If only we could remember which children’s book (set in the North of England) used ‘mebbes’ instead of ‘maybe’… any suggestions from readers?
We do find quite a few of our favourite ads while gazing into space on the London Underground. Perhaps that says something for the effectiveness of the medium! If you see any on your own commute, take a snap of it and tweet it to @strattoncraig – we might well cover it next time.