The Stratton Craig social media jargon buster: Part Eight (V and W)

by Stratton Craig

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It’s already the penultimate installment in our series on social media jargon – the end of the alphabet is near! Just two letters this time: V and W.
Links to all of the preceding blog posts in the series can be found below:
Part One (A-C)
Part Two (D-F)
Part Three (G-I)
Part Four (J-L)
Part Five (M-O)
Part Six (P-R)
Part Seven (S-U)
Vanity URL: A domain name very similar to a personalised URL, created to relate to the site’s content. They’re also much easier to remember for your visitors, but can be more expensive to get hold of – if someone hasn’t snapped it up already.
Viralocity: The rate of a brand or content’s ‘infectiousness’ on social media. A viralocity of 1 indicates that for every person who shares said content, one other person will see, like or share it. Doritos recently rode this wave with a ‘Viralocity’ campaign in Canada, rewarding the user-created video that created the most engagement with viewers.
Viral loop: A recurring process that spreads content virally across websites. If a video or image is popular enough, it can get caught in a near infinite cycle of shares and retweets. A viral loop can help to keep content relevant and prolong the life of a trend or meme online.
Vlog: Simply put, a video blog. This can exist in the form of a blog post which only contains video, or solely as a video on YouTube or similar. Vlogs are one of the fastest growing types of blog, and even had its own short-lived event – Vloggercon – in 2005 and 2006.
VoIP: Stands for ‘Voice over Internet Protocol’, essentially the ability to make and receive calls online without the need for a telephone. The most recognised provider of VoIP is Skype, which is available on multiple platforms and can often be used for free.
Warm traffic: Visitors who are already engaged on one of your online platforms, so that they’re more likely to ‘convert’ when led to another. Second only to those who head straight to you, ‘warm traffic’ is a key audience that needs to be cultivated. A great example is the type of customers who head to a brand’s website to buy something after taking a look at it on an app.
Widget: An applet on web pages that links to other sites, shares the content on the page, or provides information to readers. Examples of widgets include live weather updates, ‘share this on Facebook/Twitter’ buttons, Google ads and countdown clocks.
WYSIWYG: ‘What You See Is What You Get’. It’s the name of a popular script for social networking and rich text editing, as well as a philosophy for keeping brand consistency across all channels.
Our ninth and final part of this series will take us from X through to Z, and then it’s all over! Make sure to come back and see what we picked for the last blog – and it’s still not too late to suggest your own, so contact us on the website or on Twitter @strattoncraig now.

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