Five things to look out for when auditing your web content

by Stratton Craig

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A content audit is a valuable task for any webmaster to complete. It not only makes sure the words you use are working hard to engage your online audience, but helps your site to be more visible on Google’s search rankings. Here are five suggestions for what to look for.
It’s common knowledge that Google demands unique, high-quality content from websites that want to rank well. Duplicated text is almost certain to harm your chances of climbing up the rankings, so check for any passages of copy that may have been borrowed from elsewhere.
Out-of-date content
As your products or services change so too must your web copy. Hunt down descriptions that may be out of date or contact details that are no longer correct to make sure your audience isn’t misinformed.
Quantity rather than quality
Going back to Google’s expectations from websites, quality now trumps quantity. By this we mean keyword stuffing. In other words, loading a webpage with keywords to help a site rank higher. Instead, aim to improve the user experience and provide visitors with value each time they click through your website.
Grammatical and spelling errors
You may think that checking grammar and spelling goes without saying, but it shouldn’t be overlooked. Errors can creep in if minor updates are made to webpages regularly, and they not only look unprofessional but suggest a lack of attention to detail.
Poor structure
Beyond the words you use, think about how information is presented to your reader. We’re not a fan of walls of text, so consider splitting long passages up with sub headings or bullet point lists. Think also about using visual graphics to make a point clearly.
Speak to our copywriting team to find out more about creating content that works hard for your website and business.

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