Coca-Cola Updates Sustainability Targets With WWF

by Stratton Craig

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Coca-Cola is launching a project that seeks to improve the company´s water efficiency by 25% by 2020, as part of its major sustainability programme. The brand is also teaming up with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in a bid to reduce its environmental footprint, Coca-Cola announced this week.
The updated targets are in addition to Coca-Cola´s existing well-being and community commitments through to 2020. The goals also include sustainable use of energy and packaging, as well as sustainable sourcing of agricultural products used in Coca-Cola´s manufacturing processes. At the same time, Coca-Cola intends to cut carbon dioxide emissions embedded in every single drink by 25% and aims to achieve a 75% recovery rate of bottles and cans in developed markets by 2020.
Muhtar Kent, chairman and chief executive officer of the Coca-Cola Company, commented that the company was firmly committed to addressing environmental challenges and together with its partners will be seeking to manage the world´s natural resources wisely and responsibly.
Carter Roberts, president and chief executive of the WWF, stated that natural resources around the world were under unprecedented pressure as the global population increases. It is the responsibility of businesses to make sure that their own existence is not put at risk by exhaustion of resources. Environmental challenges can be addressed only by working together, he added.
New targets will also be set for Coca-Cola´s almost 300 different bottling partners in 200 countries around the world, the company announced.

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